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We can see the light

How does the Easter Bunny stay in shape? Read on, and you’ll soon find out :-)
Our favourite holiday of the year is here and off course, we need to celebrate it with our favorite easter joke. Easter means quality time with your loved ones, good food and… egg cracking contests! (If you don’t know the rule, it’s simple: One holds a hard-boiled egg and taps the egg of another participant with one's own egg intending to break the other's, without breaking one's own. Last intact egg wins.) For this occasion we have launched a set of hand made mustard colored egg cups, so let the cracking begin! 

But easter is also the turning point for spring after a long dark winter. Last Sunday we got brighter days with summer time kicking in and this week we’re launching the Singular Society playlist, named “I can see the light”. A set of tunes that will carry you into the long awaited spring of 2021. This is the time of the year when we have all the fun in front of us, the seasons equivalent to Thursdays, if you will. So let’s step back to the beginning of this letter and round off with a smile. 

The Easter Bunny? He eggs-ercises :-)